How To Hold An Effective Conference Call

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How to Hold an Effective Conference Call



Conference calling can be one of the most beneficial tools for your business or workplace. It’s true, many people feel that conference calls are hard to bring together effectively, however, this does not have to be the case. There are a few key things that you can do to make sure that your conference call goes smoothly.

An organized conference call can be one of the most constructive things for a business. In order to make sure that it goes well, and that everyone is clear on what needs to be discussed, and what does not, organization is key. Let’s go into some of the things that you can do to be sure that your conference call benefits you.


A written email, fax or memo can be a great way to get the conference call off to the right foot before it even begins. Send out a statement to all participants outlining the things that will be discussed in the call, as well as a list of all who will be taking part. You may also want to include a reassertion of the time that the call will be held, and instructions for use.

Make sure that the room where you are calling is quiet and free of distraction. Make sure that call waiting or any sort of paging devices are turned off, and that you are going to have the time to dedicate to a quiet, well organized call. Also, try to dedicate one person to sort of chair the call, just like you would a meeting in person.

At the beginning of the call, it is always best for those participating to give a brief introduction so that everyone knows how to address one another. It’s always best when speaking directly to someone during the call to use the name that they have given during the introduction, so that it is clear who is being spoken to.

Keep the call polite. If you are chairing the call, be sure that you are in control, so that no one is interrupting another person when they are speaking. Often, if one person interrupts another mid-sentence, it can cause the person who was speaking to be completely cut off and unable to finish their statement, so be sure that this is not allowed.

Following these clear guidelines can enable you to have a much more efficient conference call experience. The tone is set via the preceding written communication, and everyone is aware of what needs to be discussed, so a constructive flow of ideas can occur. Keeping control of a conference call is easy when everyone’s aware of the intention of the call.

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How to Hold an Effective Conference Call